Monday, August 10, 2020

Moving Weekend!

Through the upper window, Grace spotted a POOL in our neighbors' backyard.  I think they first spotted the pool on Google Maps, but who's to say?

Jeff took pictures of what was left after the moving truck.  We had a LOT of helpers come on the first evening to load everything up.  We loaded the mattresses last so that we'd have somewhere to sleep, as we left the major unpacking for the next day.

Nessa found her safe spot in the middle of the moving craziness.

Maisy AND Waffles AND Nessa!  Triple the fun!!!

We left so much in the shop!  Jeff put up the shelves first, so garage stuff was unloaded and then extra house stuff was just moved into the shop for us to retrieve when we wanted it.  Lots of items out there that we didn't know where to put...

Look at that lovely house!!!  :)  Jen came and pulled the weeds that were knee-high around the fire pit, bless her heart! 
Second night in the house was together with Colin and Nea and Waffy AND our new couch!!!  That was delivered on the first day.
Kelly and Ben came up the next day and helped us clean the house on Cooper.  Kelly vacuumed one-handed!
Josh sounded this thing out very slowly in front of Colin..."Peeeen-esssss-ollll." He'll never live that down. :)
Luca was a good distraction for Micah as we cleaned the Cooper House.  They bought Micah these magnet blocks that they always played with together at Luca's house.

That last little bit of cleaning was tedious!!!  Colleen was a champ with her cleaning supplies and energy!  It was hard to finish and say goodbye.

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