Friday, February 26, 2021

My Birthday WEEK

The week of my birthday began with a terrarium find and flowers...ahhh!

Nessa snuggles (right on top of Micah, always) and a picture to send to Colleen of our piano room--she is recovering the piano bench for my birthday! (She ended up throwing in some matching pillows for the couch, too!

After MANY YEARS (and a final year of quarantine with a puppy!) of my dark brown Ugg slippers, I got replacements!  No touchy, Nessa Girl!

We see Dad at school every now and then--usually to take a Slushie to some smarty pants student who won the problem of the week.  The video shows Nessa flipping out with excitement as Dad comes to the car...

Seventh-grade daughter hugs for dad. 

I don't remember why I took these tooth-brushing pics of Micah.  I think I was bugging him into obedience.  I'm certain it was a brilliant parenting technique that just came to me...

Nessa leaves no stick behind when walking!  And Josh helped make pretzels on Wednesday of this week--the boys learned from home Wed, and then had no school Th/Fri for conference week.

And Matt and Heidi wanted to give something fun to Jeff and I for BOTH of our birthdays--so they gave us the pimped out minivan and ordered takeout from Comellini's...we ate in the candlelit van beside the waters of the Wandermere Golf Course.  It was hilariously fun!!!

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