Monday, June 14, 2021

Sleeping and Graduating

This is Micah's sleeping spot most nights.  Since Christmas, he's been having a hard time sleeping in his room by himself, so he's slept on our floor most nights. Sometimes he starts sleeping in his room and then comes in halfway through the night, other times he just starts sleeping on our floor.  All of our kids have gone through this sleeping stage and have put some hours in on our floor.  We keep telling him that he'll grow out of it...but Nessa doesn't seem to mind having a sleeping buddy!

Our Middle Child is graduating from elementary school this year!  We came home from Julie's to see this yard sign, so OF COURSE, I asked him to pose by it.  :)

And this nasturtium is finally blooming--I got this from the seeds that Kai started in the spring!  It's so cute here, in my kitchen window boxes.

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