Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Day at the Farm

After three days of school, Mead gave a 4-day Labor Day weekend! We set off for the farm after Josh's soccer scrimmage on Thursday night. We were all pooped, but we always collapse so well at the farm.

G'ma Trudy had her 96th birthday on Friday, and she invited the school over to celebrate her REAL BDAY, as they were fooled on the previous April 1st, thinking it was her birthday.  I don't know WHERE they would've gotten that idea...

Ben was in harvest, but came  home that first night to play GRAY WOLF with the kids.  It was memorable...and on Saturday Katie & Brady and Megan came to make applesauce!

LOTS of applesauce was made!  :) It was a SWEET time at the farm.

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