Saturday, December 31, 2022

Reflection on 2022

2022 has come to a close. Ever-transitioning, this year we have kids in three schools. Grace started MSHS, I started consulting with families on Thursdays, Micah started his second year with Mrs. Wunsch in a 2/3 combo, and we quickly remembered how to live maskless for the last nine months. We were so sad to lose GG this fall, but found joy in Abby's MSHS graduation and experience with soccer at L&C, skiing in Jan/Feb, attended two Broadway Musicals (Wicked and Hamilton!), and bought the trailer. We got to visit the Redwoods and Crater Lake with Auntie Julz. Grace is enjoying HS life, Josh excelled in sports and music,  Micah picked up the piano (with an amazing homeschool teacher! ha) and loved his soccer and basketball teams. It's hard to believe it can get better, people! We are so grateful for this 2022 year we've gotten to live...

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