Wednesday, July 9, 2008

In Search of Sasquatch--2008

We had such a busy 4th of July! We have been going down to the farm in recent years for the Fourth to celebrate with my (LE's) family. We usually go down to Clarkston to watch fireworks, attend a small town parade in Johnson, and sometime over the holiday weekend my dad's siblings--The Mosers--get together for our annual family gathering. And, like any zany Moser gathering, we have a theme: In Search of Sasquatch. The theme originated TEN years ago, when my dad and his brothers were remembering a scary cougar/hyena-like growl they kept hearing in the orchard in 1975. Based on some "EAR-witness" accounts that have surfaced in recent years, they are convinced that it was a Sasquatch they were hearing. Now when we get together, my grandma and my aunts and uncles and cousins sit around a campfire up in the orchard at my grandma's house and retell this story and bring their own funny stories and we usually leave with laughter-induced stomach aches.

Along with the campfire come other traditions: t-shirts, continental breakfasts, trophy distribution for honored participants, reading of last year's minutes and this year's new items of business, etc. But THIS YEAR was special. It was the TENTH year of our Sasquatch gathering, so we decided to create a parade float to display during the Johnson 4th of July Parade. It was quite a float! Grace had a great first time at Sasquatch--she slept through the whole parade, got her own t-shirt, and decided that the campfire was too late for her and that we should go home early. Maybe next year she'll become a true Sasquatch Camper! :) -LE

1 comment:

Keith and Meghan said...

I want to be in the moser family!