Thursday, October 23, 2008

Goodbye Office, Hello Nursery!

Four months after her arrival, Gracie's nursery is ready!

Sheeeeesh! We're pretty sure the crib bedding sat in its packaging longer in our basement than it did in the store. But now, after lots of thought and narrowing down room arrangement options, we have a room that is all Grace's.

Well, maybe a room that is 80% Grace's...our office has been scrunched down to fit on one wall. So in the pictures you'll see the forest-themed office scooched over so that the ladybugs could take over. We were able to borrow my sister's family crib--until they decide to have more beautiful children, right, Katie?--and Colleen came over a few weeks ago to help Grace and I arrange the furniture and put up the pink and red wall squares.

We think it looks great! Now, if we could only have Grace SLEEP in her room...she's so snuggly-comfy in her bassinet in our room...or is it that her parents are too snuggly-comfy in their own bed to go all the way downstairs in the middle of the night to put a binky back in their sweet baby's mouth?? :) Whoa, slow down there, Lochheads. One step at a time--we wouldn't want to move too fast and make a rash decision... :) :)

1 comment:

Craig and Bethany said...

Your little pumpkin is soooo cute! I think she will have all the sweetness and spunk to give you a real run for your money with lots of laughs and kisses! The nursery is beautiful! Our little Lulu's nursery is still disguised as the I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-it-put-it-in-there room. :) I found the link to your blog on Heather's. What fun!

Bethany (fellow RA from Whitworth)