Thursday, October 23, 2008

Longview Weekend

We went to Longview two weekends ago to visit Drew and Annie--Jeff's brother and his wife. We took an extra day to drive over through Seattle, where we had a short overnight stay with our friends Troy and Lauren and their 13-month-old son, Caleb. We didn't have much time with them, but it was nice to visit for a few hours. :) Troy had night class, but we got to eat with Lauren and play a little Wii MarioKart until he got home.

Caleb loves Jeff! By the end of the evening there, Caleb was wanting to be carried around by Jeff and kept raising his arms to him. And then when we left Caleb cried when he had to let go of Jeff. It was so sweet and it REALLY made Jeff's day... :)

I realize we didn't take any pictures of Drew and Annie's house, but we took some at the farm that we visited on our way to Portland for the day.

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