Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bottle Flipping

It's a new sport.

Hold the bottle...

...examine the bottle...

...flip the bottle...

...try this side of the bottle.

Gracie loves to flip her bottle over and over, end-over-end. She thinks drinking a bottle is a "get-milk-all-over-her-whole-body" experience.


The Largents said...

oh how cute! Anthony has the same bottles. He really like the wide bottles. He started grabing the bottle too, with no direction. He is probably think, "gosh mom hurry up I'm hungary." Anthony had his first "fit" because I didn't feed him fast enough for lunch last saturday, I think he was on bananas. Gracie is such a cutie!

Craig and Bethany said...

Haha - all-over experience, can't I TOTALLY relate to that! What a cutie!