We went down to Clarkston to see Brooke perform in her school play last weekend. She was the QUEEN, as you can see. She did a great job--four performances in a weekend! She is a sixth grader this year, so she and her classmates got the lead roles in their rendition of Sleeping Beauty. They did a great job!
Jeff and I thought that we'd have to take turns watching the play from the hallway with Grace, but she stayed with G'ma Joan in an aisle seat and was as content as could be during the whole thing. She liked the LIGHTS the best. We thought she'd get fussy with the people going by and the lights going out but they didn't phase her. She made G'ma Joan's day!
On Saturday we went out to Tomato Street to celebrate my birthday. We rarely go out to eat when we go down to the farm, so this was a special treat. The best part was seeing Dad's face when they brought his lunch-sized lasagna that could fit in his palm! Brooke and Jeff split a Creme Brulee--because she'd never had one--and shared bits of presidential trivia at the end of the table.
"Can I hold Gracie, now?" Abby loves to hold Gracie. She wants to pack her around and kiss her and read to her and feed her... Gracie is so fun! Abby was quite intrigued with G's baby food, but we couldn't talk her into tasting any..."Ewwwww!"
Superhero, Gracie! Abby and Megan got to spend the night with us at G'ma and G'pa's house. They had lots of fun with Grace--especially in the high chair with her bib-cape.
Megan informed me that this is "Queen Gracie of the Little People." The crown kept falling off.
And of course, I had a few candles to blow out. :)
Happy belated Birthday Ellie!! I didn't realize our "days" were so close. I'm the 23rd! Happy, Happy Birtday month to You! Love Perri
oops that was Birthday, not Birtday!!!
Happy B-Day you February lovin' girl! Did Grace get you anything for your special day?
happy birthday momma elllie. We will see you saturday, definately Anthony and I will, Ryan is working in the tri cities, and hopefully will be back in time. Tomorrow bday spectacular!
And that little Gracie! I swear I can hear a little script for each picture almost before you write it just by the props and Gracie's expression! Has she ever thought of a day job as a cartoon? :)
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