Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our Silly Girl

How funny is this picture? The Rogers YL team came to our house last week for a meeting. Can you guess who kept stealing the attention? :) Oh, my. She looks as though she's in complete attention-hog-heaven!

Bath time is always fun. This is peek-a-boo with the camera.

G'ma Caroline had another eye appointment in Spokane on Friday, so we got to go out to eat with her and G'ma Joan and Papa Greg. Grace really enjoys showing off her eating-at-a-restaurant skills. I should've taken a picture of the food on the table and then the food on the floor to see which accumulated more. We leave big tips for servers with big brooms and dustpans.

Isn't G'ma Caroline the sweetest? She had good news this appointment--the eye degeneration is slowing! She was filled with stories and even let me hold her hand as we walked. She's such a spry almost-octogenarian! :)

Gracie loves Papa Greg...

...and G'ma Joan... couldn't be because they give her new food experiences, could it? She figured out the straw function on the first try! :)

And here is Gracie soaking up all of the attention from her "big sisters," Kalei and Alea. She loves these girls! I can just hear Heidi, their mom, now..."Okay, girls--give Gracie a little bit of space now..." She loves it...and follows their movement with big eyes. Don't look now, girls, but she watches your every move! :)

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