Thursday, March 12, 2009

Out of Quarantine

Whelp, it looks like we've survived the first battle with THE FLU. Poor Gracie came home early from daycare on Monday and educated us on the difference between spit-up and vomit. We'd always wondered... After the seventh demonstration, we told her we'd seen enough. We felt pretty helpless holding a girl who would rather lean on Mom or Dad, AND MOAN, than hold a toy. Three days later--a sick day with Dad and two with Mom--she's finally on the mend! We ventured out to see Aunt Debbie on her lunch hour today. Grace was VERY excited to see faces in the outside world. We're very excited to see her smile again!

I had to post this pic. I was asked to take a few pictures of the Christ Clinic, which has been newly finished at its new site next to the Christ Kitchen (old Taco Time on Monroe), while we were visiting Debbie. It's such a beautiful facility!!! I couldn't get a good shot of the Clinic and Christ Kitchen together while standing on the sidewalk, so I decided to be brave and go across the street to ask KPBX if I could lean out one of their 2nd story windows to get a good shot. They offered one step better--to take me up on the roof! I was on a radio station's ROOF today--that's so crazy!


Craig and Bethany said...

LOVE your post. Ya couldn't sum up the SICK thing better. The FLU, don't you earn wings or something for going through that?!

Oh, and great photo of Christ Clinic. You should do a post on that. I don't really know what it is, but it sounds cool.


Heather Estridge said...

Yeah, I remember when I learned the difference between spit up and throw up... NOT FUN, at all! But you made it and so did your washer! Your Gracie gets cutier with each post ;)