Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hermit Crab Behavior

Our family is growing out of its shell! After going back and forth FOREVER on whether to add on to our house or find a larger home, we've finally bit the bullet and have put our house on the market! We definitely have mixed feelings--we know it's the right thing to do, but it's so hard to leave this house that we've had so many great memories in. This week we've worked our tails off sorting, storing, and cleaning the house to get it ready to sell. Gracie was a big helper. :)

Yard work is so fun for Grace. She loves to see the doggies walk by on their leashes--she really does go spastic when dogs go by. I'll try to capture it on our video camera one of these days...

We just had cement edging put in around our flower beds--it looks fabulous! Our good friends Joel, Johnny, and Matt came over to help Jeff get the yard in ship-shape. If you live in town, you should drive by and see how fabulous it looks!

She refuses to crawl, but she's getting braver and braver on her feet. She was watching the men as they worked and talking to them the whole time. She's quite the jabber-box. She'll be able to point to this house someday as we drive by and tell everyone that it was the house that she was a baby in. Sigh. I'm finding that moving is hard work for your muscles AND your heart.


lauren said...

wow! i'm excited to see where this new adventure takes you three.

The Largents said...

Congrats, I hate moving too! I get attached too, but you'll find something perfect

Craig and Bethany said...

We moved when Janie was 'bout the same age as Gracie. Your post TOTALLY brings it all right back. The thing that surprised me was how much home all of the sudden picked up and moved with me to the new place. Can't wait to see where your journey will take you! I'll put in two thumbs up for moving out to the valley! :)

Anonymous said...

Gracie loves dog because she has taken grasp of the recessive gene that neither of her parents were able to embody-the canine love gene.

Hope the house sells in 5 days.
Uncle Troy

Nelson and Karina Bell said...

Good luck with the house selling! I am sure it is both exciting and scary to have decided to sell. I look forward to seeing what doors open up. :)