Sunday, May 17, 2009

Swing, Swing.

Today G'ma Colleen and I took Grace to the park to experience the swing for the first time. As you can see, she's a big fan! She kept humming to herself as G'ma pushed her back and forth. Quite cute.


Craig and Bethany said...

Isn't she just 'bout the best thing since sliced bread! I can almost hear her humming just from the pictures. SOoooOOoo SWEET!

Yeah, Craig and my parents BOTH are in Kenya for another 12 days yet. Crazy! :) Thanks for your comments and prayers. Love you!

Heather Estridge said...

She is soooooo stinkin' cute! I bet you just have a ball with her each day! Love that she was humming, hee hee... She sounds like a pretty happy girl.

The Largents said...

oh how cute! Thats the same swing we took Anthony to for the first time, it was fun, he does like the swing too, hopefully we can make it to the park this weekend, weather permitting for grace's birthday!