Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jeff!

...and G'ma Colleen!

We celebrated our family's December birthdays at Jen and Kevin's velvet cake, kids playing with Janie's toys, and some exhausted adults on a Friday evening. :)

Jeff turned 56 and Colleen turned 31 this year...

Anthony was so sweet with Josh--he kept bringing Josh Fisher Price power tools to his lap.

And apparently the camera only likes kids, birthday people, and Papa Scott. Or maybe it's that he's always with the kids. I'll have to work at diversifying my photography portfolio over the Christmas season. :)

Sweet Brooklyn

This is Grace's good friend Brooklyn. I had to get a few pictures of them jumping on the bed at "G'ma Dianne's" house. We love this girl! :) (...and BOY, can these two jump on the bed! What monkeys!)

All Josh Wants For Christmas... for his legs to learn to keep him from scootching backward!

He wants to crawl SO BADLY!!!

"Christmas star..."

"...shining bright,
Lead us to this child tonight..."

"...up in the sky, a guiding light,
Shining for this King tonight..."

"We're following the Christmas star, so bright
We're following the Christmas star."

Grace got to be part of the kids' program at church earlier this month. She has the song down--mostly because we listen to it in the car non-stop. (Instead of whining to have us replay the song as soon as it's over, we taught her to say, "Play it again, Sam!" She's gotten pretty good at it, but most of the time she says, "I want it on again, Sam! Please.") When she was on the stage with the other kids she was impressed with the stage and stood there, taking it all in. It was pretty cute!

Rubber Ducky, You're the One...

Or is the ducky actually Josh's missing BINKY? I think he has ducky-binky confusion.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Don't Call Me Sweetie.

I moved Josh away from something he was getting into the other day and said something like, "Let's try sitting over here, Sweetie." Gracie immediately started giggling and corrected me: "He's not SWEETIE!" When I asked her why he wasn't, she replied, "SWEETIE belongs to Annie and Drew!"

Ohhhhh--I guess if Josh is sometimes Joshy, then Swede, our favorite canine (next to Brodie, of course) could be SWEDEY.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Santa and the Firemen

I really thought Gracie accidentally called 911 on my phone the other night when fire trucks and sirens pulled up to our house. I was quite relieved to see that they were actually announcing the arrival of Santa, who was being transported around the neighborhood in a trailer, escorted by the county firemen. We had the Huggins and Templins over for games, so we all headed out to greet this guy from the North Pole.

Gracie wasn't too sure at first--telling herself that "Santa won't get me" as she walked up to the trailer, but after he gave her a candy cane she kept saying, "That Santa was so nice!" all evening.

The glowing trailer...

Snow Man

As I catch up on my blogging, looking at the rain coming down and making our snow disappear, I remember that we had A LOT OF SNOW a couple of weeks ago. In fact, G'pa Harvey informs me that we set November Snow Records. I realize that I don't have any pictures of the SNOW at our house, but I did snap a couple of our Snow Removal Guy after his strenuous endeavors to keep us from being snowed-in. One of Jeff's spiritual gifts is being able to fall asleep anywhere. Well, I don't know how spiritual it is, but it is a gift! I love this about him--it always cracks me up!

More from the Farm

The day after Thanksgiving the cousins got out on the sled--with G'ma Joan! Jeff got video of G'ma sledding, but no pics. Great memories!

Just for the record, Jeff and I DID get to the stores the day after Thanksgiving by 5AM--my sister helped us get going! Brooke stayed the night so that she could watch Josh and Grace while we were gone. This is where she stashed Josh for a few minutes. She's so fun!

And the girls were coloring...Gracie's hair braided...this babysitter is HIRED! :)

And later that day under Mom's watch, Josh took down the silk plant with the help of his retro walker. He was quite proud of himself.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is it Christmas Yet?

We're anticipating Christmas around here...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Moser Clan

This was the last minute picture that Mom insisted on before Kelly and Ben left. We agreed to this impromptu pic if Mom promised that it wouldn't be on a Christmas card. Fun to see us all in one spot!

Thanksgiving at the Farm

Our Thanksgiving highlights:

1. Uncle Jerry sported a sweet beard
and convinced little children that he is Santa's cousin.

2. My mom made enough potatoes to feed an army (or Bernie's family)
and then Bernie's family got sick and didn't come.
Mashed potatoes turn to cement if you leave them long enough.

3. Aunt Diane brought a new sweet potatoes/onions dish
that was divine and her delicious broccoli casserole.
Again this year I forgot to try the corn and oyster dish. :)

4. Jeff had football watching friends.
Luke and Chad and Levi kept him company downstairs.

5. Nick and Tarrin and their kids, Rori and Henry came down
from Spokane to spend the day with us. Rori is Grace's age
(birthday buddies!) and Henry is Josh's age. So fun to see them together!

6. Ben was home from Alaska!

7. Kelly, too! They got to spend a week in the mainland visiting family.
We were so happy to see them, as they'll stay in AK for Christmas.

8. G'ma Trudy behaved herself. We think.

9. Josh got his first PUMPKIN PIE!


10. We filled the garage with people, food, tables, chairs...
11. ...and space heaters! Record cold/snow this week!

12. Josh and Henry had some play time...

13. did Grace and Rori!

We are so thankful for a blessed year. Successful heart surgery for Papa LeRoy, successful knee replacement for G'ma Trudy, weddings of Ben & Kelly and Sarah & Adam, HS graduations of Chad and Sam, births of Josh and Henry, and a great first year of retirement for Tom and Diane. Oh, and Dad has his firewood cut and in the shed. A great day to give thanks!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Girls' (and wee babes') Weekend in CDA

We did it! Julie, Rachel, Heidi and I said we were going to have a girls' weekend at a time share in CDA and we finally did--the weekend before Thanksgiving! What a fun time! We ended up leaving the bigger kids at home with dads and we took with us the little tykes who are still dependent on moms. You should've seen the GEAR we took to take care of 4 women and 3 babies! Julie has a great picture of a stuffed elevator that I may post later... :) These first few pictures we took when we went shopping for the afternoon in downtown CDA. We got the funniest comments from on-lookers. My favorite was, "Hey--it's the Baby Club!" (I love how Josh and Kai are checking each other out in this picture!)

Joshy and Auntie Julz

Pooped out Lydia! Look at all of her HAIR and those gorgeous EYELASHES! This girl is so sweet! She entertained us with her early love for books (hmmm...who's her mother?) and her "clip-clop" horse noises.

Kai Guy and Heidi--this little guy is a MOVER! He is so close to crawling and is so determined to get things. My favorite thing about Kai is that when he gets excited he grunts while all four limbs are moving. Wait until you see him in the pool!

Playtime. I told you we brought a lot of gear...

Auntie Julz was in her heaven with THREE BABIES to love. Kai couldn't stay awake a minute longer in her arms.

Sweet Lydia getting her hair done. A perfect hair chair. :)

Good thing she couldn't turn on the faucet yet.

After our afternoon of shopping we took the little sprouts to the pool. They LOVED it.

Joshy kicking away with Auntie Rachel

Look at Kai go! He was a little fish.

Lydia is so good at blowing kisses. Here she was trying to use Heidi's hand to blow one.

And even though the pictures only show BABIES, there was a lot more to our weekend...ChocoVine, calendar scrapbooking, peppermint chocolate kisses, exploring great shops in CDA, starting movies but then letting them sit on pause because we started talking and didn't stop, going to bed at midnight and then regretting it when the kids woke up at six...

We had such a great time. We left already planning for next year...imagining the fun we may have when we're kid-less!