Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Man

As I catch up on my blogging, looking at the rain coming down and making our snow disappear, I remember that we had A LOT OF SNOW a couple of weeks ago. In fact, G'pa Harvey informs me that we set November Snow Records. I realize that I don't have any pictures of the SNOW at our house, but I did snap a couple of our Snow Removal Guy after his strenuous endeavors to keep us from being snowed-in. One of Jeff's spiritual gifts is being able to fall asleep anywhere. Well, I don't know how spiritual it is, but it is a gift! I love this about him--it always cracks me up!


LAURA said...

That cracks me up, I think it can be a spiritual gift if used appropriately:) Merry Christmas!

Anna McGarrah said...

Ellie... so funny! Barry says his spiritual gift is sleeping! We married two peas in a pod!