Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Lochhead's Early Thanksgiving

We celebrated an early Thanksgiving with the Lochhead/Birchill clan over Veteran's Day weekend when Uncle Drew, Aunt Annie, and Swede were in town. The pictures I took didn't capture the great food, the 17 loved family members--wow, how did we get to that number already!--or the coziness of Scott and Colleen's house...but I did capture the KIDS and DOGS. :) They take the best pictures, anyway.

Josh got some good bonding time with Aunt Annie. He's quite fond of her.

...and the big girls have a favorite activity to do with their grandparents: JUMPING ON THE BED! What monkeys.

Can you hear the giggles?

"One, two, THREEE!" Gracie and Janie couldn't get enough.

We celebrated Annie's birthday early, too. She had LOTS of help unwrapping gifts. Won't Christmas be fun this year?

Thanks for bringing your parents to see us, Swede!

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