Monday, March 22, 2010

Fishies, Hall Running, and Elevators

So obviously in January and February we spent a lot of time in the hospital. G'ma Dorothy kicked off the whole party with successful brain surgery--a tumor completely removed and is now doing GREAT! G'ma Caroline then arrived after G'ma Dorothy went home and stayed with us for five weeks. And not to be left out, Papa LeRoy came up for heart surgery in mid-February. He is recovering like a champ and is trying to take it slow with his new heart valve and a pacemaker--but those Webers are hard to keep down! :)

During this time, Gracie fell in love with a new "playground." She got used to visiting grandparents after work in the evenings and on the weekends. She became our tour guide along the pathway we'd follow in the hospital--strutting down the hallway, swinging her arms, she'd tell you when we were getting close to the fish tank in the surgery waiting room and knew when the elevators were right around the corner. This, of course, added a whole new category of words for her vocabulary:
"El-e-va-tor" (this brought grins to anyone riding with us...)
"Push buttons" (yes, she only pressed the "need assistance" button ONCE on an elevator)
"March, march...!" (this is how we got her to make it down the long hallways)
"Ba-yoon!" (no hospital room is complete without one of these air-filled decorations)
"Bite." (any poor patient we visited was accosted by this girl who loves to share food)

We are anxious to see how she handles seeing Mom and Dad in the hospital with Baby Brother...we are sure that G'ma and G'pa will have to stop at the fish tank before they come up the elevator when they bring her. :)

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