Monday, March 22, 2010

Together With Family

We're still remembering our week at the farm to celebrate G'ma.
It was so great to have everyone gathered together...
I couldn't resist taking a few group shots... :)

The Moser Kids--Bill, Brad, Greg, Christi, and Cindy

The Moser Grandkids--Courtney, Jake, Ellie, Ben, Katie,
Megan, Zach, Erin, Garrett, and Allie

The Moser Kids with their cousins, The Jackshas, and Aunt MaryAnn and Rita
(this was the most tame of all the pictures...this group knows how to have fun!)

Daddy and Gracie getting ready for the funeral. Grace loves faces and skin--
and when she gets tired she feels your face like she's reading Braille... :)

1 comment:

Craig and Bethany said...

That last picture and line is absolutely perfect.

Can't wait to hear baby BROTHER is here!!