Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You Can Take the Boy out of the Country...

The first plan for Josh's room involved cute monkeys and pirate ships. Very cute theme. Coconuts, too. Loved the coconuts. But after spending time at the farm in February, Jeff realized that he didn't feel right about our decor choice. "The farm will be more a part of his life than the ocean," he said as we re-examined the set at Baby's R Us. He didn't have to talk me into the new set. I loved growing up on the farm, long for days spent there, and hope that our kids treasure their time with our family there, too. Enough said. Ships returned, barns requested.

Little did we know, that Annie's mom was already working on a barn quilt for Josh simply because she loved the pattern. Drew and Annie brought it to the hospital the day Josh was born and we wondered if God cared enough about nursery themes to slip in a little divine intervention...

The crib set is waiting for Gracie to grow into a big girl bed. So for now, the Pack-n-Play holds the crib's spot. Also, some of my friends got together to paint tiles to be put in a framed mirror to go above the changing table--it was such a fun time! I'll have to post pics of that when it's done.

Here's the start of your room, Joshy. Now all you need are some John Deere or Cat tractors...(hint, hint, Uncle Ben)...

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