Saturday, September 18, 2010

Grace's Latests...

The other day we were driving by our neighborhood's school and we hear Gracie say from the backseat, "Oh! We're driving by my elementary school!" As Jeff and I looked at each other with dropped jaws--counting on our fingers how many syllables 'elementary' has in it--she continues, "When I'm five I get to go to ___ Elementary." (She's TWO. We'll be hearing this for a while...)

All of a sudden Grace has a fear of loud vehicles. I am constantly telling her that she's safe where she is and reasoning with her that there's nothing to be afraid of. The other day I see her looking out the living room window at the garbage truck on the curb, and she is saying to herself, "The garbage truck won't get me. It can't fit through the door! Silly garbage truck."

We keep trying to get Grace to go potty on the potty chair, but she is quite resistant. Jeff invited her to come read a book while sitting on her potty. After she considered, she accepted the invite...but on the way up the stairs with him she adds in, "But I'm not going potty!"

We're pretty sure Grace has an imaginary friend named Ella. Lately she can be seen carrying my decorative candles from coffee table to coffee table, "...for Ella's birthday." After she sings Happy Birthday to Ella we ask, "Gracie, who's Ella?" She replies, "Nobody."

I taught Gracie the Zachheus song after I saw that they'd told that story in Sunday School. (She loves to shake her finger and boss Zachheus down from that tree!) But one day she couldn't remember his name, and therefore couldn't start the song. She tilted her head up at me and asked, "Mommy, who's that wee little man?"

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