Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Shhhh! My baby's sleeping!"

All around our house we find closed doors...and if we open them to, say, go to the bathroom or change the laundry, we instantly have Gracie at our heels with her finger on her lips, warning us that there is a sleeping dolly in that room. She would prefer that we stayed out of said rooms, but if we assure her that we'll be quiet as we go about our business, she usually thinks it's okay for us to enter and plays along.

Our favorite is when we find sleeping dollies in random places after Grace has gone to bed. We know where she's been playing!


Craig and Bethany said...

I always LOVE popping over to your blog. That Gracie reminds me soooo much of Lucy! What a full heart she has. The world is so simple when you're two. Best medicine in the world.

Oh, and do you have the most adorable, CUTE children in the world?! (Well, beside mine, of course.) :) But seriously, you really capture them well.

Keith and Meghan said...

Seriously hilarious! The toilet must be a good sleeping spot because of the white noise it makes when you flush it!