Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Joshua Milestone

I should probably get up before our kids wake so I can be showered and ready for the day before they are. But instead, I have been hovering in the camp that believes I should get every wink of sleep that I possibly can before the kids' "on" button is pushed. So, my mornings with the kids usually involve me snuggling in bed with Gracie until we hear Josh on the monitor. Then Grace pops up and says, "Joshy's up!" She's then out of our bed like a light, charging into Josh's peacefully awakening room--I hear the lightswitch popping on. On this particular morning last week, I then hear her exclaim, "Joshy! You're such a BIG BOY!!!" Then she runs back in to me to announce, in shrieks, that Joshy is STANDING UP in his crib for the first time.

Was he proud of himself, or what? For the last week, he's been standing up when I put him down for nap, and crying for minutes before I come to check on him because he doesn't know how to lay back down. :)

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