Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When Mom says no...ask Grandma!

Gracie loves her grandmas. We are lucky enough to live close enough to see them quite often, and Grace talks about them non-stop. :)

Grace's arch-nemesis is the automated car wash. She really doesn't care for it. I'm terrible, and each time we drive by it I ask if we should get the car washed today. Lately this is her response: "No, not today. How about me and Joshy go to G'ma Colleen's house and you can wash the car then? [Insert head tilt here] Is that a good plan, Mommy? ." She's always looking for a good excuse to go to Grandma's house...

One night when I was putting Grace to bed, I was talking to her about God and told her that He was with us, she just couldn't see him. Her response was, "God and Jesus are in my BIBLE, Mom." When I said that Jesus can live in her heart she lifted her jammies' top, looks at her belly and said, "That's silly!" I realized she's a little too small to get these abstract thoughts, so when I kissed her goodnight and told her I loved her, I asked: "And do you know who loves you even MORE than Mommy?"
Gracie: "G'ma Joan!"
Ah, that's so cute.

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