Monday, April 25, 2011

Put Another Candle on the Cake!

We got to spend the weekend at the farm April 16-17 to celebrate more of our family's April birthdays. This year was special for both Ben and Mom--Mom turned SIXTY and Ben's birthday was on Earth Day (always) AND Good Friday. A double bonus. :) We had a family party on Saturday night for both of them--the Morrows, Lochheads, Mosers, Weber grandparents, and the Dobroths helped us celebrate BIG. :) Or at least CRAZY. :) We had a great time staying up late talking with Christi, Tom, Megan, and Zach and Carmen. In addition to the birthdays, Tom and Chris came up to help Zach move home--he got a great job in southern Idaho!!! Way to go, Zach!--and to celebrate Mom's Weekend with Megan at the UofI. We were sad that G'ma Caroline wasn't here with us--and missed that common base of her house--but I know our family was excited to spend such great quality time with Christi's family and we are excited about all of the fun Moser family time that we hope will invade Mom and Dad's house, now.

Dad didn't get to have a surprise party last year for his 60th--we would've, but Mom thought it would've jinxed him--but he was determined to surprise my mom with one for her. Monday night her brothers, parents, and Katie and Ben's families surprised her at Rooster's Landing for dinner. She was floored! We so wanted to be there...but we were excited just thinking about what was waiting for her Monday night...

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