Thursday, April 7, 2011

Josh's Birthday Day--Part 2

Joshy and his ring-toy cake! Josh loves this toy, so we thought it only
fitting to create his cake to look like one. Daddy tried his hand at
fondant for this cake but thinks he'll go back to frosting next year...

Mmmm...the thumb.

Curious George partyware for our "Curious Man."

The loopy parents...can you tell we were up until 11 making cake
and up until 2 putting finishing touches on Josh's baby book?
Crazy parents!

Cousin Janie, sister Grace

Cousins Megan and Anthony

Presents! Josh got lots of fun toys and clothes...
...Gracie had the most fun opening for him.

Josh body-surfing the crowd.
He is so lovey--he visited almost everyone and snuggled in to most.

Aunt Kelly and Uncle Ben are back from Anchorage!
So fun to have them at the party.

Party hat or G'ma beak? Hmmmm...

Such a great day! We are so blessed to have so many friends
and family members who love our boy and don't mind
squishing into a small house to show him just that. :)

We can't believe a year has gone by already...
What a sweet boy we've been given.

Happy Birthday, Joshua-wa-wa!

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