Monday, June 6, 2011

Classic June...

When both of your parents are teachers, you can expect to grow up with some crazy times of the year: namely September, End-of-March (conferences!), and June. So things are a bit crazy during these first two weeks of June--blogs, house tidiness (forget cleanliness!), laundry...they all take backseat to report cards, end-of-year assessments, and getting grades in. Currently, I'm even working full-time to cover for my teaching partner, Melissa, who is on maternity leave after just having Baby Amelia. So we're living day-by-day, er, moment-by-moment and are finding joy in our moments of togetherness, knowing that MID-JUNE (aka SUMMER BREAK!!!) is almost upon us. Here are some sweet pictures and tidbits about our kids this June:

"Viva la Mexico!!!! GOOOOOOOOOAL!" Drew and Annie snagged this soccer uniform for Joshy when they were in Mexico for Spring Break. I don't think a cuter soccer player exists.

Joshy loves to snuggle/tackle his blankie. But only for brief moments. After 5 or 6 seconds he's revived and ready to play again.

We are LOVING outside! The weather is finally AMAZING and Gracie can't wait to eat on the deck. She asks every night.

This girl loves fruit. When asked what her favorite fruit is, she's been known to answer, "Fruit Cocktail." Silly girl.

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