Friday, June 24, 2011

Misplaced Toys

We have been working on "cleaning up" at the Lochhead house. Gracie is singing and counting while picking up, and she's earning stickers when she does it JOYFULLY and QUICKLY--a work in progress! :) Joshy is VERY good at throwing trash away--so much so that he often extends this skill with items that aren't meant to be tossed, so throughout the day you'll see Jeff and/or I glancing in the trash can. He also loves to take dirty diapers to the Diaper Genie--I need to get a picture of him crawling up the stairs with a wadded diaper under his arm...

G'ma Joan says that she always laughs when she sees toys out of place (when they're supposed to be put away) because she can almost imagine what her grandkids were thinking when they had to leave their play hastily. I have to admit, dollies found sleeping in my bed, magnets stuck to the washing machine, and dinosaurs found in the dishwasher have made me chuckle, long after kids have been put to bed for the night. I'm pretty sure Josh thought that this was the perfect cage for a Tyrannosaurus Rex--that, or perhaps he needed a bath.

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