Wednesday, July 13, 2011

She's A Grand Old Flag

The day after Sasquatch was the 4th--and we started it at the Johnson Parade. Josh LOVED to wave his flags this year--all we had to do is start singing, "She's a grand old flag..." and he'd go wild with flag waving.

Cousins Abby and Megs posed with Gracie as we walked to the parade.

Gracie with G'ma and Papa
Our crew--the Sasquatch crew, the Morrows, Lochheads, Senior and Junior Mosers...and friends of the Morrows let us squeeze in with them at their prime spot.

What a great gift! We ran into my good friend Anna McGarrah and her family at the parade. Her family recently moved back to Moscow to plant a church.

The fly-by started the parade

The bagpipes are my personal favorite. Must be the Lochhead in me...

Gracie with Uncle Ben
Josh's turn with G'ma and Papa

One of the Druffel floats--Toy Story!

John and Alma were Woody and Jessie

Walking back to the car with Aunt Kelly and the loot of candy

Stopping on the way back for visiting with Mosers

Next we stopped at G'ma Trudy and Papa LeRoy's for a visit. Brooke found this baby bird and took great pictures of it, after chasing it for most of our visit.

She also got great shots of baby birds in Papa's birdhouse.

The creek

We had a great visit with G'ma Trudy and Papa LeRoy--pop, summer sausage, Cougar Gold, Ritz, and zucchini bread...yummm.

We continued the 4th with NAPS, swimming with the Morrow's at George and Connie's pool, and then FIREWORKS in Clarkston. A great day to celebrate our country!

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