Thursday, July 7, 2011


YAY! Gracie finally talked me into letting her paint with the watercolors that she got for her birthday. I always thought I'd do all sorts of art with my kids, but the reality is, art is MESSY and 3-year-old attention spans are SHORT! So, for weeks I'd been putting off the painting endeavor... Finally, I realized that she needed to have the paint experience--and having time off of work helps, too! :)

She is getting pretty good with her fine motor skills--she's good with her paintbrush, and starting to understand/is able to begin to "stay in the lines" (although the right brain in me doesn't really want her to stay in the lines! :) )

"Joshy on a swing."

This grin seals the deal--totally worth the mess. :)


Marc and Susannah said...

Beautiful painting Gracie!

Her smiling face makes any mess totally worth it! I love it!!!

The Largents said...

I'm glad she loves the paints! :), anthony loves them too, and remember they are washable, so if they get on clothes, it washes out easily!!! :)