Friday, August 19, 2011


Who is this big kid with the buzz cut? Sheeesh. I put him on the stool in G'ma Colleen's garage as a 16-month-old and he jumped off a two-year-old. I knew that would happen, yet I asked Jeff and Drew to do it anyway. And isn't he cute?!?

It only took three of us to accomplish the task. There are no pictures. This is because I was reading Toy Story 3 to distract, Jeff was holding Josh's head still, and Drew was sheering the fine baby hair as quickly as he could. There were a few tears...but I'm okay now. Ha!

We had a great week having Drew, Annie, and Swedo-Speedo visit Spokane! We spent many hours at Scott and Colleen's...going in the pool, playing in the yard, eating...we just soaked them up. [Did I mention Annie worked on her rhyming skills?] It was such a great, relaxing time to spend with them. We miss them already!

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