Friday, August 5, 2011

Sunriver, 2011

Whelp, we're finally home from our many July vacation excursions and can start catching the blog up on all the fun we've had! :)

Our week in Sunriver was so great. "Bruce's Cabin" was amazing! Times we'll remember:

The year the kids shared a bike trailer! Gracie was very gracious with Josh--handing him his binky and letting him lay all over her--and Josh picked on Grace incessantly. I remember her saying, "Joshy, I don't want my shoes on!" when he kept leaning over trying to put her crocs back where they belonged--on her toes. Even though we had a few fussy returns to the house--thanks, Josh!--it was a GREAT improvement from last year.

The house we stayed in was right on the 7th hole tee box. I am Swede's auntie who took a picture of him being naughty--he was so excited to greet golfers! We love this sweet doggy! Gracie started calling him Swedo-Speedo on this trip. (It had to ring like "Silly Lilly")

Nothing like a kiddie-pool on the back deck to entertain the tots for hours! This pool gave us many minutes of entertainment right beside our lounge chairs.

Great outside dining...

Silly Josh.

Each night the dogs and their owners got to take over the golf course. Great evening strolls.

Drew and Annie with Lilly and Swede

Drew...tonguing the moon.

Deer in the backyard.

A look inside the place--I am kicking myself that we didn't get a group shot this year. Somehow Linda completely escaped my lens. Did I mention that we took turns getting sick this week? Stuffy, snotty, sinus pressure...I remember Linda buying a whole case of cold medicine at Costco to share...

Swede entertaining Slick.

Gracie got to cook breakfast with Annie and Drew one morning...

...she was the biscuit queen! What fun. Now she always wants to help in the kitchen--she's often found getting her stool.

At the park...Josh pouring rocks on his head. That's just the silly kid he is.

Gracie showing her dad around.

This trip she also decided to become the big sister who PUSHES Josh in the swing. So far it's all innocent pushing...

So sweet.

The photo booth was not there this year! We were so excited to go get MONKEY FACE pictures with Annie and Drew, so we had to improvise and make our own! :)

Ice cream instead of photo booth pictures...

Not a bad replacement!

The kids took baths in the HUGE spa tub. Loved it.

Eating Mac & Cheese with Aunt Annie.

Josh loves Brody. Brody is getting used to Josh. :)

Drew and Annie found some golf balls on their evening walk and the guys hit a few at dusk...

...and Ellie swung a club like a softball bat.

Swede and Brody playing

Annie introduced Gracie to the game Twister. Very silly!

We wanted to get out on the lake on the last day, but the weather wouldn't cooperate--coldest week in Sunriver for us in 4 years!

We threw rocks...

...and threw rocks...

...and threw rocks... FREEZING COLD WEATHER! Then we tail-gate picnicked as quickly as we could and got back on the road for home. Memorable! :)

My photogenic boys. :)

There were all sorts of activities that we didn't capture with pictures--kids waking at 5:30 and being entertained with Mary Poppins in bed, Drew beating us every night in Carcassonne, going to the pool, bike rides in the evenings, Jeff's bike ride into Bend--and of course the group picture was overlooked. We'll have to go again next year! Thanks for a fun week, family! :)

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