Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year!

 Auntie Julie and her family invited us to spend a couple of nights with them at their timeshare outside of CDA for New Year's Eve...we had such a great time!  I should've captured pictures of game-playing, puzzle-working, swimming in the indoor pool, and kids in the converted playroom with their cardboard-coloring playhouse, but, alas, we were too busy having fun to take pictures!  :)  These were the few I caught:

 Waiting for the daddies to bring the van for our excursion to the thriving metropolis of Harrison, ID...

 ...loaded in said van...

...and Gracie and Alea posing in complimentary robes.  Gracie was so excited b/c she got to stay up until midnight with "the girls."  They watched Ella Enchanted and Gracie talked her way through it, even though it was so, SO late.  "We are watching a LOT of TV.  My mommy says that if we watch too much TV our brains will turn to mush and we'll talk like this:  Bluh-buh, bluh-buh..."  Quite a tired riot!

We had a wonderful time!  Next year Julie is not escaping my camera!  :)  We love you, McInturffs!

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