Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Perfect Placement

Quite often I feel like I spend the better part of my day putting objects back in their rightful places.  I seem to do this task automatically:  grab four things that belong upstairs before going up to get the toddler socks that I forgot to grab up in the bedroom...  The task of "right"ing wrongfully placed objects in a 2-toddler house is as never-ending as...um, laundry.  Constant.  Automatic.  Organizing.  Sometimes it makes me crazy.  And sometimes the unusual placement of an abandoned object pulls me out of auto-pilot...with a chuckle.  I wonder what happened to this milk drinker to make him place this bottle so perfectly in the middle of the kitchen floor?

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hey and the floor looks quite clean and the hand towels are hung nicely! I would say you are doing pretty good job Ellie...better than Heather with her cabinets all open! LOL. (Just teasing!)