Thursday, December 6, 2012

November Snow SCHOOL Day

Our first snow happened the Friday before Veteran's Day this year...those November snows are MAGICAL!  I have to admit, I was glad that I wasn't teaching on the First Snow Day(!) of the year...though magical, the first snow ignites kids' "full-moon" behavior...  The irony, however, is that this turned out to be the day that Joshy and Gracie were invited to visit my classroom.

The story is, our students earn classroom points and pick the reward they'd like to work toward.  This group really is the sweetest bunch--they wanted to have a "GOSHY VISIT" when they earned 100 points!  They love hearing Gracie and Joshy stories, so I wasn't ENTIRELY surprised that they wanted to meet them, but this is the first time in my 10+ years of teaching that I'd seen a group of 10- and 11-year olds get excited about playing with little kids.  I was quite touched!

Melissa, my amazing teaching partner, had the 2-hour timeframe all arranged--some students were scheduled to read with Grace and Josh, some were assigned to play with them at recess, and the rest were given the privilege (?) of eating lunch in the classroom with us.

Gracie and Josh brought a few of their favorite books...

Look at little Harriet the Spy soaking in every detail...  :)

Love the silly pose...I think Josh was going to his happy place in his mind as the big kids got too close...

It was a fun afternoon for all of us!  I asked Gracie what her favorite part was...she thought and replied, "NOT recess!  It was way too cold!"  I guess the First-Snow magic eluded her!

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