Monday, April 22, 2013

Spring Break--More Fun!

What is it about can go to the most amazingly beautiful place on earth, and the thing they remember most is the swimming pool?  That would be our kids--fish!

They LOVE swimming with Auntie--she knows all the fun water games!

 Our pool burritos...

One day Auntie straightened Gracie's hair.  (Just so you know her powers, Gracie doesn't let ANYONE do her hair...)  But Gracie kept bouncing by mirrors all morning long with her straight, long hair...

At the waterfront in happy boy and one three-legged mom...actually a mom hiding an unhappy girl.

 Lunch break!  Gracie, Julz, and Trina...

 ...and Jeff, Josh, and me.

I had to take this picture to let you see why most of our shots were taken inside this week.  Granted, this was at Cape Foulweather, but the wind and rain were steady companions this week.

1 comment:

Heather Estridge said...

Ahh, the Oregon Coast - looks familiar... That weather is not too fun for kids but I'm sure you made the most of it!