Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Gracie's Kindergarten "Round-Up"

On August 27 the reality that our girl is growing up hit home...hard!  :)  We went to meet Mrs. Badeaux, Gracie's Kindergarten teacher!  We got to put a poster together that represents Gracie...

Love the darting glance here...Gracie loved the kitchen area in her classroom, but kept taking in everything with her eyes...  I was teary, which completely caught me off guard--where did that come from?  I could hardly choke out Gracie's name when we met her teacher at the door!

She looks unsure here, but I am sure she'll be fine!  She's a bit like Harriet the Spy, taking in all the details with her senses and recording them for later conversations...  :)

I almost posted the picture of her class roster that her daddy took with his phone, later that night at the Parent Meeting.  The news that had Jeff perplexed was that Adam Morrison's daughter is in Gracie's class!  Jeff's dreaming of shooting hoops with this ex-GU player who played in the NBA for a spell...

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