Saturday, September 28, 2013

Soccer Days

This last spring Gracie played soccer for the first time and really liked it, so we decided to try it this fall.  She's on her friend, Kelsey's team with some other Meadow Ridge girls--Kaylee, Kylie, Kelsey, Kiera, Gracie and Grace.  How's that for a stuttering set of parent supporters?  We are lucky to have Kelsey's parents, Bryan and Susie, coaching her team.

She's already had extra fans at the games:  G'ma Colleen and Papa Scott, and last week Keyara, her babysitter that lives up the street, came to watch her play.

Gracie is a great hustler!  She loves to keep up with the ball herd!  The aggressive nature will probably come in later--right now she's just so nice she doesn't want to take the ball away from anyone.  That would be rude!  :)

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