Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Old Treasures from Daddy's Phone

Blogging steps in 2008:
1.  Take pictures on digital camera.
2.  Transfer pictures to computer.
3.  Load pictures onto blog.

Blogging steps in 2014:
1.  Take pictures on digital camera.
2.  Take pictures on my phone.
3.  Take pictures on Jeff's phone.
4.  Transfer pictures FROM ALL 3 SOURCES to the computer.
5.  Load pictures onto blog.

The following pictures are a result of skipping step 4, with Jeff's phone, in 2014.
Enjoy these gems out of chronological order!  :)

Micah on Daddy's shoulder…just a few weeks old

A visit to Granny and Pappy's...

The kids' Christmas Program at church…

I snuck this pic while these two were chins-up-sleeping.

Christmas at G'ma Trudy and Papa LeRoy's!

Christmas Eve with Gigi.

Christmas Day at home--post-chaos.

Locomotive Park in Lewiston

Yes, Jeff won (one of) his Fantasy Football League.  He said this shot was important.  :)

We love these Better Blocks that were handed down from Daniel…crowns this time around.

Go Fish became the fast favorite over the holiday season.  Still is!

Josh, perched on his father, the stool

And Granny's birthday.  A sweet, sweet picture.

Now I think we're all caught up.  :)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

80 Years Young

This sweet lady turned 80 in January!  Scott and Colleen hosted an open house for Grandma Dorothy, and we got to see the extended side of the Lochhead family.  We always have so much fun, and celebrating Grandma was such a great excuse to get together again.

Melanie, Bruce's grand-daughter  (And Bruce, brother of Harvey--for anyone lost in the Lochhead family tree…)

Pappy wrote out a tribute to Grandma.  His reading of it was the sweetest part of the afternoon.  They have many great years together to hear about.  Scott and Colleen also put together a video of pictures from Grandma's life.  It was amazing!

Forever the kid-magnet.

Always fun to have Aunt Perri come to visit!!!  Here she is with her big brother.

And the oldest cousins paused for a moment from their job of organizing the younger cousins…  Sweet girls.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

In Search of Snow

The first weeks of January were dry and dismal.  We didn't know that the last week in the month would hold a foot of snow and zero degree temps, so somewhere in the middle of those we went up to Mt. Spokane, in search of snow.  Micah and I watched from the car as the three brave Lochheads tromped off with the sled.  They were gone at dusk just long enough for a nervous mother to formulate an emergency plan for locating and retrieving said family members.  :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

MLKing Weekend Fling

G'ma Joan brought the Morrow girls up for an overnight over the MLK Jr. weekend!  It will always be remembered as the weekend Joshy got introduced to Justice and Claire's at the mall.  :)

Just for the record, I remembered Claire's as having trinkety key chains and such…so I told Josh during our mall trip with G'ma and the girls that if he was good, I'd buy him something at Claire's as our last stop.  I know.  Scarring him for life.  He was good as gold all afternoon--making returns with Micah and me and riding in the glass elevator while the girls were trying on clothes at Justice--so he was excited to pick something out to take home.  We walked into Claire's and Joshy started scanning the room.  He walked the length of the glittery store and came back with a stuffed dragon from Doc McStuffins.  "Mom!" he said with exasperation.  "I found the only boy thing in this whole store!" I chuckled and watched him circle around one more time and toss the dragon back, saying he didn't want it.  So disgusted.  I laughed and asked if he wanted to go to the Comic Book Store instead.  There we found a Buzz and Woody to go with his collection.  Phew!  A day with his sister and girl cousins almost got the best of him!

YMCA swimming happened, too!  These girls were fish!

And it wouldn't be a complete Moser trip without at least ONE visit to Zips.  Abby wanted to document for Uncle Ben that she had the longest fry.  We tell her how he always used to hunt through the fries, excited to claim the longest one before everyone else.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Micah Baby Shower

Heidi and Julie took Micah's nursery camping theme and threw an amazing baby shower for Micah and me at Polkadot Pottery!  Look at this spread!  Like it came straight from a pinterest site!

The food and decor were so fun!!!  I felt so loved by their creativity in hosting!

We all painted tiles for Micah's nursery mirror…and passed around the baby.

Joshy was quite excited to eat the extras!

Micah at Two Months

We love hearing who people think Micah looks like.  So far…Josh, Grace, Daddy, and Papa Scott.  He must have my personality...

Handsome Lunch Date

Puzzles, grilled cheese and worms…in his frozen yogurt.  Gracie got to have special time with Granny, so Josh (and Micah) and I had a lunch date at Didiers.  He's looking so grown!