Saturday, February 22, 2014

80 Years Young

This sweet lady turned 80 in January!  Scott and Colleen hosted an open house for Grandma Dorothy, and we got to see the extended side of the Lochhead family.  We always have so much fun, and celebrating Grandma was such a great excuse to get together again.

Melanie, Bruce's grand-daughter  (And Bruce, brother of Harvey--for anyone lost in the Lochhead family tree…)

Pappy wrote out a tribute to Grandma.  His reading of it was the sweetest part of the afternoon.  They have many great years together to hear about.  Scott and Colleen also put together a video of pictures from Grandma's life.  It was amazing!

Forever the kid-magnet.

Always fun to have Aunt Perri come to visit!!!  Here she is with her big brother.

And the oldest cousins paused for a moment from their job of organizing the younger cousins…  Sweet girls.

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