Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Old Treasures from Daddy's Phone

Blogging steps in 2008:
1.  Take pictures on digital camera.
2.  Transfer pictures to computer.
3.  Load pictures onto blog.

Blogging steps in 2014:
1.  Take pictures on digital camera.
2.  Take pictures on my phone.
3.  Take pictures on Jeff's phone.
4.  Transfer pictures FROM ALL 3 SOURCES to the computer.
5.  Load pictures onto blog.

The following pictures are a result of skipping step 4, with Jeff's phone, in 2014.
Enjoy these gems out of chronological order!  :)

Micah on Daddy's shoulder…just a few weeks old

A visit to Granny and Pappy's...

The kids' Christmas Program at church…

I snuck this pic while these two were chins-up-sleeping.

Christmas at G'ma Trudy and Papa LeRoy's!

Christmas Eve with Gigi.

Christmas Day at home--post-chaos.

Locomotive Park in Lewiston

Yes, Jeff won (one of) his Fantasy Football League.  He said this shot was important.  :)

We love these Better Blocks that were handed down from Daniel…crowns this time around.

Go Fish became the fast favorite over the holiday season.  Still is!

Josh, perched on his father, the stool

And Granny's birthday.  A sweet, sweet picture.

Now I think we're all caught up.  :)

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