Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ellie's Birthday WEEK

My last week of maternity leave.  Chocolate PB ice cream.  Bed Head hairspray.  Baby Book for Micah.  Wood Glue.  Dessert with the Van Sickles at Prospectors.  A paper package tied up with string, filled up with some of my favorite things!  Black Nike Zip-up.  New socks.  Sticky Oat Bran Muffin at La Petit Chat.  A date with a sleeping baby at Hobby Lobby.  Two kids getting dressed on my birthday...without being asked.  
Dinner and dessert at Fieldhouse Pizza with the Lochhead clan.  Chocolate mint cake.  Charm necklace.  Pedicure gift card.  My Clinique face lotion.  Kids eating fast so they can return to their video games.  Oden not wanting to stop playing to eat…but he'd take a bite or two on Auntie's lap.

Debbie in town from CA!  Dessert with her and Cassie at Twigs.  Debbie bringing Daniel's Toy Story guys for Joshy.  Gracie's BB game at Sac.  Dutch Love.  All sorts of phone calls, texts, and FB posts sending me birthday wishes.

Weekend visit to the farm.  Potato soup for dinner.  Memorable under-cooked rhubarb pie.  :)  Maurices' clothes.  Mantle decorations.  A new picture for the bathroom.  Incredible outfit for Joshy--found in AZ at a yard sale by G'ma Joan.  Driving home in a snow storm.  Still having three days before I had to go back to work.

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