Saturday, March 15, 2014

Quality Time Monday

Granny likes to have Josh and Grace over one-at-a-time every once in a while.  Monday was Gracie's turn.  She got to eat lunch with Granny and Pappy, make cookies, and learn how to play Chinese Checkers.  A packed two hours!  Josh and Micah and I ate lunch out and got groceries at FM.
This is the smile of a boy that just pooped.  He really doesn't care that Zip's doesn't have a baby-changer in their restroom.  Yes, I did change him on the (very clean, FYI) floor.

Mr. Personality.  When ordering his milkshake, I asked Josh what flavor he'd like.  "Whatever they have, Mom."  Such a grown-up response!  I knew he'd like strawberry.  He counted how many strawberry chunks went up his straw.

And here we are to pic up Grace.  Josh and Grace designed the Chinese Checker board with Granny.  We love this lady!!!

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