Sunday, October 18, 2015

Day 3 with the Waltmans

Debbie and Randy's pastor and church...Jeff wanted a pic of the notes from the sermon...

We just happened to be visiting on the day that the city did CicLAvia...a day where downtown streets are shut down for BICYCLISTS!  Their church had a bike repair booth that Randy helped in all morning while we went to church, then we all met up to bike the streets together.

Some good relaxing in the afternoon, and then to dinner at a favorite pizza place two blocks away.


Couldn't pass up a picture of a Phil Connors? tip jar...

This picture needs a really good caption...Don't Mess with Tinkerbell until the Coffee's Down?

And of course there was CATAN!  How could there not be?

We had such a great visit.  I love that we can now envision their apartment, church, workplace, their roommate Madison...when we talk on the phone.  We just had to spy them in their environment.  Now if we can only wait another YEAR until they're relocated to SPOKANE...oh, happy day!

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