Friday, July 28, 2017

The Long Goodbye...Colorado to Washington

The return trip were two days of traveling in a row.  The first was Estes Park back to Ogden, where we stayed on the way over.  It was already an 8-hr trip, but we decided to make the most of it and drive through the park on our way home.  So it was a little longer.  This elk ran right across the highway by us as we left the park.  We LOVED RMNP!  It is definitely in our top 5 National Parks!

Gorgeous roads.  We got back to Ogden and got a swim in before they closed.  That night we had a condo with a big room upstairs that all the kids shared.

Coffee and Garth kept us going through Wyoming...I took a picture of a random car with a cool license plate to remind me to blog about the License Plate game we played...we only missed seeing Hawaii, New Hampshire, West Virginia, and...what was the last one?  At any rate, we had a great time keeping track on Julie's phone app.

Lots of "plugging in" happened on our road days.  My escape was Ticket to Ride, while the kids took turns on Minecraft.  Jeff listened to podcasts when he vegged, and Julie had her book on her iPad.  And of course, a few movies were watched along the way.

We got into Trina's and swam and ate and then pushed on toward Spokane, arriving back at a late hour, but happy to sleep in our own beds.  An epic trip!  It'd take us a few days to recover from all of that fun!

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