Friday, July 7, 2017

The Windbreak Project...and the Massive Bike Ride

The Windbreak Project was probably my favorite part of our farm visit.  We really wanted to have our kids help with a project, and the windbreak seemed to be just the thing!  I won't doll it up and tell you that there wasn't an occasional whine or limp noodle "I'm too tired," but I will tell you that they stuck with this two day project of raking and shoveling pine needles and pinecones into the Gator and it looked great!  Abby and Megan weren't sure they stayed two extra days for THIS, but they proved to be our spark plugs--so much so that on Day 2 when we were going to quit for the day, they urged us to work super hard to finish in order to surprise G'ma (who was getting her nails done that morning)!  We took them to Colfax to meet Brooke, who took them to soccer practice later that day, but they asked me to video tape G'ma when we showed her the work we did while she was away.  The video is pretty funny.

And of course the lavender is breathtaking this time of year!  Mom and I weeded the beds so that it would show off.

And Jeff decided to take an EPIC bike ride the next day...down to Kendrick and around to Troy.  I got to pick him up at the coffee shop in Troy, and BOY, was he pooped.  He drove me his trail on the way home and even our car was tired!  Two really big grades...

Gracie and G'ma going for their morning walk.  This visit we were good about walking every morning.

And this tree started out this little!  We planted it for Mom and can't wait to see how big it gets!

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