Friday, March 26, 2021

Joshua Scott is ELEVEN.

Josh woke to a new bike!!!  He needed a bigger bike...and his family went in on it with us!

I worked on Joshy's birthday, but got up early to make birthday pancakes!  Delish! This was one of Grace's last Fridays to learn from home.  After spring break the middle and high school kids go back full weeks!

This student keeps putting his pencils on these coat hooks that are conveniently located next to his cubby.  I just had to show Melissa his ingenuity...or laziness?  Ha! Also, below this same student and a friend are rochambo-ing to win the right to find the distance between the sun guessed it, the most popular 5th grade planet: Uranus.

Josh's bike!  At this point in the pandemic, we weren't quite ready to have a vast family party, but since all of the adults had been vaccinated, we invited grandma and papa and the greats to have dinner and cake with us...

 It was a fun birthday...a good step better than last year when the lockdown was fresh!  Love to our boy...

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