Saturday, March 27, 2021


Josh's first game was in Lewiston, today!  G'ma Joan came down to watch him play with Lolo, and then we were able to go to Millie's birthday party.  While J's team was warming up, Grace and I walked Nessa to go get a coffee.  I started chatting with a guy in line, and soon realize that he's married to Jeannie Iverson--whose birthday is 3/27! I'd thought of her earlier that day and then I surprised her husband, Troy, by telling him that after I learned who he was.  Funny small town stories, people!

Sharps after the game with Papa Greg!

G'ma and Papa got Josh his favorite jersey (of the moment).

We got to see Papa's new kittens, Carhartt and Cougar.  They are cute little skinny things...they didn't appreciate making Nessa's acquaintance.  Ha, ha.  I've never seen such arched backs!

A mostly-outdoor party for Mills.  Good to see the McPartland crew and celebrate with Mills!

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