Saturday, November 5, 2022

Josh's Soccer in the TriCities

Well, the weekend of Josh and I going to the TriCities for Auntie Julie and Soccer started out HORRIBLY. There was a nine car pileup--well, technically a five car and four car pileup, thanks to my brakes that kept me from hitting the car in front of me--on the freeway right by the Maple St exit. We found out the reason that this happened was because Scraps was parked in the far left lane, trying to rescue a CAT that was trapped on the median. Yikes.  After a couple of hours of figuring out insurance and letting authorities process the accident, Josh and I continued on our way to Julie's house. We had to stop at two exits to pop the wheel-well panel back into place. Finally, at Ritzville, Josh talked me into purchasing DUCT TAPE and we applied and carried on.  We got there quite late, but still took Julie out to Red Robin to celebrate her (belated) birthday. We were wiped out! We also had a terrible windstorm that night, and Josh slept in the livingroom and listened to the wind rattle the windows all night long. The next morning we went to see Erin and Tony's new house and they had three downed trees to take care of after the storm!

After Julie and I dropped Josh off at the field to warm up, she ran me over to her new (online) school where I got to see her workstation. Now I know what to imagine when she tells me about work!

This was Mo's last game as head coach. He has been such a phenomenal adult in Josh's was so hard to try to wrap up all of the good stuff at this final game. Closing chapters is always hard, but this one was especially difficult. We love Mo!

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