Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Buyer's Remorse?

I purchased this saucer on a whim at a consignment sale--Baby Einstein for $30?!? What a steal!--and started the second thoughts the moment I stepped into the checkout lane. The line was WAY too long, and I fretted over the decision all the way to the cash register. And all the way home... (I wasn't going to spend that much money!) But the moment I put Grace in her toy, she wiped away every ounce of regret--look at that face! :)

She played in her new saucer for 20 minutes before she wimpered to be picked up. At which point she had a surprise for me...poop all the way up her back! :) This next picture was taken moments later as I got her bath ready...OxyClean stain remover waiting in the wings...


Hmmm.... said...

There is a picture of a cat on that Baby Einstein!! Have you gone mad! We'll have to get lily to clean Grace's face if you know what I mean. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend.

Claire said...

Oh that saucer looks like such fun!! She looks like she's concentrating really hard on that spinny thing...so cute! I love to see them think.

Jeremiah, Kristin, and Liam said...

I think it's clear by now that you definitely made the right decision. What a sweetie! And I love the banner pic of her in her little knitted cap ... I'm on the last sleeve of her summer dress! Hope she's not too big to wear it when the weather warms up ... :-P kw

Becky said...

Now if only we could hear her squeals! :) What a happy girl and I too LOVE the new picture on the top of your blog. What a darling baby girl you have. :)